Supporting Healthy Eyes & Investing in Style

in Friendswood

Look Great, See Better  

Welcome to See B. Seen Eyecare + Optical Bar! Our team is passionate about offering exceptional eye care and eyewear to every patient we see in Friendswood. Whether it’s dry eye management or contact lens exams, we’re here for your whole family’s eye and vision health. 

Before your appointment, take a moment to learn about our beautiful, modernly designed office. Our environment is just one part of creating a unique experience for every patient to visit our practice. 

Experience our personalized approach to optometry today!

Myopia Control 

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common refractive error, normally developing in children. In the past, myopia could only be corrected with glasses. However, this doesn’t effectively slow the progression of the condition. 

Today, we have myopia control methods proven to slow its progression and prevent the need for higher prescriptions. With specialty contact lenses designed for children, myopia control is a noninvasive and easy-to-use solution.

Slowing a patient’s myopia progression early is crucial to maintaining a lower prescription later in life.

Our Location 

You can find our practice next to Main Squeeze Juice Co on Parkwood Avenue. If you have any trouble finding our office or have any questions before your visit, please give us a call.

Our Address

  • 1501 W Parkwood Ave, Ste 101
  • Friendswood, TX 77546

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